news & events date | 10/12/2018 |
An exceptional year for olive growing in the northern part of Lake Garda is coming to an end, not only in terms of quantity, but also in terms of quality.
The new mill was able to meet the challenge of such an intense vintage and satisfy important needs in a short period of time by producing 3.000 quintals of olives per week until it reached today's record of 15.000 quintals of olives processed. A remarkable achievement that has preserved the quality of the extra virgin olive oil, since the harvest time has not been prolonged and the olives have always arrived at the mill at the optimal stage of ripeness.
Until a few years ago this was an unthinkable achievement, when 15.000 quintals of olives were processed in the entire upper part of Lake Garda "Busa", and not only by one "Frantoio". This is certainly the sign of an olive cultivation that has developed over time, thanks to the strong dynamics that Agraria has developed in recent years through a careful presence in the region, a strong synergy between members, cooperatives and agronomists specialized in this field, thus offering continuous research and innovation in collaboration with Fonadtion E. Mach and Aipo Verona.
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