Brezza Riva Riserva, the Trentodoc that is born in the mountains and matures in the lake 

Brezza Riva Riserva, the Trentodoc that is born in the mountains and matures in the lake

Brezza Riva Riserva, the Trentodoc that is born in the mountains and matures in the lake

1216 bottles at a depth of almost 40 meters: an ambitious project brought to life thanks to the joint efforts of Cantina di Riva, Vigili del Fuoco Volontari di Riva del Garda and Gruppo Sommozzatori Riva del Garda.

news & events date02/07/2020

On the morning of Saturday 27th June we brought to life a project that we have dreamed of for years: we submerged 1216 bottles of what will become our Brezza Riva Riserva Blanc de Blancs Bio—a Trentodoc sparkling wine produced with the classic method—in the waters of Lake Garda.

The bottles, placed in four sturdy cages at a depth of 38 meters (124 feet), will rest undisturbed on the bottom of the lake for twelve months, where they will enjoy special conditions of maturation:

  • Constant temperature, with fluctuations between 9 and 13 Celsius degrees (between 48 and 55 Fahrenheit degrees).
  • No penetration of oxygen inside the bottles, with the result of a slower maturation.
  • Less difference between the internal pressure of the bottles and the external pressure, which reduces the gas exchange from inside to outside the bottles.
  • Natural riddling thanks to the gentle rocking of the waters, which with their movements avoids the stratification of yeasts on the bottom.

This spectacular feat, which has further strengthened our link with the Alto Garda Trentino region, would not have been possible without the help of the Vigili del Fuoco Volontari di Riva del Garda (Fire Brigade of Riva del Garda) and the Gruppo Sommozzatori Riva del Garda (Divers Group of Riva del Garda): to all of you, a thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

It will take some more time before we can toast with Brezza Riva Riserva Blanc de Blancs, but we are already looking forward to it!


Agraria Riva del Garda 

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Agraria Riva del Garda s.c.a.
Via S. Nazzaro, 4 Riva del Garda (TN)
P. IVA 00105670228
tel. +39 0464 55 21 33